2017 NOAA UAS 4-band 8-bit Imagery: Grand Bay NERR

Below are links to the files that make up the 2017 NOAA UAS 4-band 8-bit Imagery: Grand Bay NERR dataset. This HTML file is here to emulate the access typical of an ftp site. The files containing geospatial indices, metadata, etc., are listed first, followed by the files. To download in bulk, it is suggested you use a program such as wget (example below). The geospatial index file in shapefile format has a URL attribute that some GIS programs can use to download files. You can also subset the data, make derived products, and change projection, datum, etc., using the Digital Coast Data Access Viewer (add to cart, the link to bulk download will take you here).

Example to download entire data set using wget (note: sufficiently new and trusted pre-compiled Windows versions can be hard to find):
wget -np -r -nH -L --cut-dirs=1 https://coastalimagery.blob.core.windows.net/digitalcoast/UAS_GBNERR_2017_8408/index.html
This will give you the directory structure starting with UAS_GBNERR_2017_8408. Wget is a command-line program and the output will be to the directory you run it in. More options and information can be found at https://www.gnu.org/software/wget/manual/wget.html. The other options in the example mean:

If you have problems with wget that look like an authorization or certificate issue, you may need to add the option "--no-check-certificate". Windows users may want to install the Windows Subsystem for Linux to get a current wget.

You can also use the uGet program with the list of URLs in file urllist8408.txt. More information on using uGet is in the Bulk Lidar Download GeoZone blog post.

The total size to download all the files is 2.6G.

Meta Info

Tile Index: tileindex_UAS_GBNERR_2017.zip
Metadata: AOI_4_SPAL/Grand_Bay_AOI_4_Metadata.xml
Metadata: AOI_1_Cladium/Grand_Bay_AOI_1_Metadata.xml
Metadata: AOI_2_Upper/Grand_Bay_AOI_2_Metadata.xml
Metadata: AOI_3_MB/Grand_Bay_AOI_3_Metadata.xml
Metadata: UAS_imagery_GBNERR_2017_m8408_metadata.html
Metadata: 2017_GBNERR_UAS_4band_m8408_met.xml
URL list: urllist8408.txt


Report: NOAA_UAS_Grand_Bay_LiDAR_Technical_Data_Report_Combined.pdf


Virtual Raster Tables (VRTs) can be used to reference the entire data set. Software packages that incorporate GDAL can reference the data by prepending /vsicurl/ to the URL of the VRT. Multiple VRTs generally indicates there are multiple projection systems in the dataset.

VRT file: UAS_GBNERR_2017_EPSG-6345.vrt

STAC: Spatio-Temporal Asset Catalogs


All Files

AOI_1_Cladium/index.html (1.89 KB)
AOI_1_Cladium/Grand_Bay_AOI_1_Ortho/index.html (1.46 KB)
AOI_1_Cladium/Grand_Bay_AOI_1_Ortho/Grand_Bay_AOI_1_Ortho.aux (6.39 KB)
AOI_1_Cladium/Grand_Bay_AOI_1_Ortho/Grand_Bay_AOI_1_Ortho.tfw (90 B)
AOI_1_Cladium/Grand_Bay_AOI_1_Ortho/Grand_Bay_AOI_1_Ortho.tif (172.82 MB)
AOI_1_Cladium/Grand_Bay_AOI_1_Ortho/Grand_Bay_AOI_1_Ortho.tif.aux.xml (8.96 KB)
AOI_1_Cladium/Grand_Bay_AOI_1_Ortho/Grand_Bay_AOI_1_Ortho.tif.xml (6.16 KB)
AOI_1_Cladium/!ReadMeText for AOI 1.txt (1.42 KB)
AOI_2_Upper/index.html (1.68 KB)
AOI_2_Upper/Grand_Bay_AOI_2_Ortho/index.html (1.38 KB)
AOI_2_Upper/Grand_Bay_AOI_2_Ortho/Grand_Bay_AOI2_Ortho.tfw (90 B)
AOI_2_Upper/Grand_Bay_AOI_2_Ortho/Grand_Bay_AOI2_Ortho.tif (1023.89 MB)
AOI_2_Upper/Grand_Bay_AOI_2_Ortho/Grand_Bay_AOI2_Ortho.tif.aux.xml (10.47 KB)
AOI_2_Upper/Grand_Bay_AOI_2_Ortho/Grand_Bay_AOI2_Ortho.tif.xml (586 B)
AOI_3_MB/index.html (1.67 KB)
AOI_3_MB/Grand_Bay_AOI3_Ortho/index.html (1.38 KB)
AOI_3_MB/Grand_Bay_AOI3_Ortho/Grand_Bay_AOI_3_Ortho.tfw (90 B)
AOI_3_MB/Grand_Bay_AOI3_Ortho/Grand_Bay_AOI_3_Ortho.tif (531.29 MB)
AOI_3_MB/Grand_Bay_AOI3_Ortho/Grand_Bay_AOI_3_Ortho.tif.aux.xml (9.41 KB)
AOI_3_MB/Grand_Bay_AOI3_Ortho/Grand_Bay_AOI_3_Ortho.tif.xml (6.12 KB)
AOI_4_SPAL/index.html (1.55 KB)
AOI_4_SPAL/Grand_Bay_AOI_4_Ortho/index.html (1.29 KB)
AOI_4_SPAL/Grand_Bay_AOI_4_Ortho/Grand_Bay_AOI4_Ortho.tfw (90 B)
AOI_4_SPAL/Grand_Bay_AOI_4_Ortho/Grand_Bay_AOI4_Ortho.tif (914.62 MB)
AOI_4_SPAL/Grand_Bay_AOI_4_Ortho/Grand_Bay_AOI4_Ortho.tif.aux.xml (9.79 KB)
GBNERR_2017_UAS_imagery_area.kmz (1.32 KB)
stac/index.html (2.42 KB)
stac/AOI_1_Cladium/index.html (1.23 KB)
stac/AOI_1_Cladium/Grand_Bay_AOI_1_Ortho/index.html (1.13 KB)
stac/AOI_2_Upper/index.html (1.22 KB)
stac/AOI_2_Upper/Grand_Bay_AOI_2_Ortho/index.html (1.13 KB)
stac/AOI_3_MB/index.html (1.22 KB)
stac/AOI_3_MB/Grand_Bay_AOI3_Ortho/index.html (1.13 KB)
stac/AOI_4_SPAL/index.html (1.22 KB)
stac/AOI_4_SPAL/Grand_Bay_AOI_4_Ortho/index.html (1.13 KB)
UAS_imagery_GBNERR_2017_m8408_metadata.xml (8.32 KB)

Page owned by NOAA Office for Coastal Management. Last updated: Mon Jul 1 06:37:09 EDT 2024