Protection and Restoration of Ayres Point Oyster Reefs

Recipient: Mission-Aransas National Estuarine Research Reserve

Project Type: Habitat Restoration

Recommended Funding Amount: $2,064,726

Congressional District(s): TX-37

Summary: The primary outcome of this project is the restoration of 11.5 acres of oyster reef along Ayres Point in the Mesquite Bay complex that provides shoreline and marsh habitat protection, and supports a broad diversity of species. The restored oyster reef structure will be constructed in an area closed to commercial harvest, facilitating recruitment and growth of oysters and providing oyster larvae to surrounding oyster reefs in both open and closed waters. The restored oyster reef complex will have the added benefit of creating a complex habitat for numerous recreationally and commercially important fish and invertebrate species.

For more information on the Office for Coastal Management grant program funding this project, please visit the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law webpage.