Popes Creek Waterfront Park Living Shoreline Design

Recipient: Maryland Department of Natural Resources

Project Type: Habitat Restoration Planning, Engineering, and Design

Recommended Funding Amount: $120,865

Congressional District(s): MD-05

Summary: This investment will fund the design of a living shoreline along the Potomac River where it meets Popes Creek in Charles County, Maryland. The site, a former commercial restaurant, is currently being transformed into a nature-based public park in response to inclusive community input, but is subject to sea level rise, erosion, and storm impacts resulting from climate change. The project will result in plans to stabilize the shoreline with nature-based features, effectively demonstrating equitable climate resilience grounded in the connection between healthy biodiverse ecosystems and healthy human communities.

For more information on the Office for Coastal Management grant program funding this project, please visit the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law webpage.