Digital Coast Fellowship
2024–2026 Fellowship Project Summaries
Association of State Floodplain Managers (in partnership with the Coastal States Organization): Alexandrea Pouliot, from the University of Rhode Island and nominated by Rhode Island Sea Grant, was matched with ASFPM and CSO to develop tools and trainings for local practitioners to facilitate the implementation of best practices in local floodplain and coastal management, thereby reducing flood risk and enhancing community resilience to coastal flood hazards.
The Nature Conservancy: Will Collins, from Georgia State University College of Law and nominated by Georgia Sea Grant, was matched with The Nature Conservancy (TNC) to use TNC and Digital Coast resources related to the Community Rating System and nature-based solutions more broadly to help achieve The Nature Conservancy’s 2030 conservation goals along the Gulf and Atlantic coasts of the U.S., while improving the resilience of coastal communities to climate change.