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National Estuaries Week Photo Contest 2024

In celebration of National Estuaries Week, which takes place September 21 to 28, 2024, NOAA’s Office for Coastal Management is hosting a photo contest. Send us your best photos from the national estuarine research reserves that display the beauty of the reserves, critters that live there, and the people who work and play there. We want to see them all!

Winners will be chosen by a panel of judges and will be featured in our social media campaign during National Estuaries Week. Submit your photos under the following categories.

  • Learn

  • Play

  • Vistas

  • Smiles

  • Work

To Enter

Submit your images (minimum of 1200 pixels wide, no more than 10 photos) to us at OCM.NERRS.PhotoContest@noaa.gov. All images MUST include the following information: photographer’s name; completed copyright and likeness form; short description of when and where the photo was taken; and which category your photo is representing.


Photos must be submitted by Saturday, August 31, 2024 to be eligible for the contest.

Additional Contest Rules

  1. Photographers must be at least 13 years of age or older as of August 1, 2023.

  2. We will assume that, in submitting a photo, you are the owner of the photo and have the right to publish it.

  3. You must include this Likeness and Profile Release signed by the photographer (since names are posted with photos) and anyone identifiable in your photos.

  4. By submitting a photo, you are giving us permission to use the photo for other purposes, such as within NOAA’s Office for Coastal Management photo gallery and on any websites hosted by NOAA, for social media, publications, and for use of immediate contest partners. We will, of course, provide credit to photographers whenever we use any of the photos.

  5. Photos that are submitted without information on the photographer and a brief caption will not be considered.

  6. You are eligible to submit photos if less than 20 percent of your total income is from photography.

  7. No watermarks on submitted photos.

  8. Photos must be a minimum of 1200 pixels wide (but the bigger, the better!)

  9. Each photographer may submit up to 10 photos.

  10. Please keep the content clean and appropriate. Inappropriate content will not be accepted.