National States Geographic Information Council

Members of the National States Geographic Information Council (NSGIC)—state geographic information officers and equivalents—are committed to the continuation of a strong relationship with NOAA and Digital Coast partners, and to furthering and realizing the mission of the Digital Coast Partnership. The council believes that the successful implementation and deployment of enterprise geographic information systems (GIS) technology are essential for the health and safety of our coastal communities. To be useful and nimble, NSGIC must provide specialized products and services that meet the needs of very diverse user communities at the local, state, and federal levels. Two of these communities are the coastal managers and emergency managers who routinely provide for the unique needs of citizens in coastal areas. NSGIC leads significant intergovernmental coordination work, effectively leveraging the networks and skill sets of partners. This, in turn, supports the protection of our coastal areas.

By working with Digital Coast program staff and partners, NSGIC is able to ensure its members have access to the data, tools, and training required to meet their needs. Digital Coast program managers are at the highest level of performance among federal agencies, and NSGIC strongly supports the Digital Coast program.

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