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Fellowship / Fellowships



Coastal Management Fellowship

2008-2010 Fellowship Project Summaries

Delaware: The fellow from the University of South Carolina and nominated by South Carolina Sea Grant, was matched with the Delaware Coastal Management Program to develop a sea-level-rise adaptation plan for the State of Delaware.

Maine: Matt Nixon, from the University of Rhode Island and nominated by Rhode Island Sea Grant, was matched with the Maine Coastal Program to apply an ecosystem-based management framework to Maine's coastal waters.

Massachusettes: The fellow from Duke University and nominated by North Carolina Sea Grant, was matched with the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management to make storm-resilient communities a reality in Massachusetts.

New York: Patricia Bowie, from Duke University and nominated by North Carolina Sea Grant, was matched with the New York State Division of Coastal Resources to develop New York State guidelines for post-storm redevelopment plans.

Washington: Deborah Purce, from Western Washington University and nominated by Washington Sea Grant, was matched with the Washington State Department of Ecology to develop a public access portion of the Washington Coastal Atlas.