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Fellowship / Fellowships



Coastal Management Fellowship

2013-2015 Fellowship Project Summaries

California: Kelsey Ducklow, from Duke University and nominated by North Carolina Sea Grant, was matched with the California Coastal Commission to integrate climate change and adaptation planning into the commission's planning and regulatory program.

Maine: Emily Norton, from the University of Hawaii and nominated by Hawaii Sea Grant, was matched with the Maine Coastal Program to provide a baseline characterization in the Gulf of Maine for developing Maine's Ocean Resources Strategy and implementing Maine's ocean planning efforts.

Massachusetts: Margot Mansfield, from the University of Maine and nominated by Maine Sea Grant, was matched with the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management to address competing marine resource use issues and promote beach and dune nourishment in Massachusetts as a viable and cost-effective climate change adaptation tool for shore protection.

New Hampshire: Kirsten Howard, from the University of Michigan and nominated by Michigan Sea Grant, was matched with the New Hampshire Coastal Program to establish a GIS-based decision-support framework to improve spatial planning for New Hampshire's estuaries and use InVEST to inform priority restoration and management issues in the Great Bay Estuary.

New York: Liz Podowski, from the University of Oregon and nominated by Oregon Sea Grant, was matched with the New York Division of Coastal Resources to develop a guide and methodologies for the application of geospatial tools for use in New York's offshore planning.

Oregon: Meg Gardner, from the University of New Hampshire and nominated by New Hampshire Sea Grant, was matched with the Oregon Coastal Management Program to create an improved data repository and framework for Oregon's ocean shore permitting process that can be used to plan for erosion impacts, improve storm response, protect the public interest, and other purposes.