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Fellowship / Fellowships



Coastal Management Fellowship

2016-2018 Fellowship Project Summaries

California: Sumi Selvaraj, from the University of South Carolina and nominated by South Carolina Sea Grant, was matched with the California Coastal Commission to help prioritize the California Coastal Commission’s climate preparedness and adaptation planning efforts through policy analysis and development of regional maps, products, and other tools.

California: Alex Braud, from the College of Charleston and nominated by South Carolina Sea Grant, was matched with the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission to expand the San Francisco Bay Regional Sediment Program beyond the pilot stage and into new parts of the Bay Area.

New York: Alex Kuttesch, from Virginia Commonwealth University and nominated by Virginia Sea Grant, was matched with the New York Coastal Management Program to use cutting edge technologies to develop innovative public communication tools and create wiki-style mapping capabilities and mobile apps for collecting user-generated information to support community and regional resilience planning, offshore planning, and storm event response and recovery.

North Carolina: Monica Gregory, from Indiana University and nominated by Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant, was matched with the North Carolina Division of Coastal Management to engage North Carolina coastal communities in an assessment of their vulnerability to coastal hazards and disruptions, and their needs for support in improving their resilience.

Washington: Matt Gerlach, from the University of Rhode Island and nominated by Rhode Island Sea Grant, was matched with the Washington Coastal Management Program to develop guidance and tools for improved implementation of shoreline armoring regulations in Puget Sound.

Wisconsin: Joe Dwyer, from the University of Rhode Island and nominated by Rhode Island Sea Grant, was matched with the Wisconsin Coastal Management Program to compile a current and comprehensive public access inventory and develop mobile websites and apps to promote coastal heritage tourism and deep travel in Wisconsin.