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Fellowship / Fellowships



Coastal Management Fellowship

2009-2011 Fellowship Project Summaries

California: The fellow from Oregon State University and nominated by Oregon Sea Grant, was matched with the California Coastal Commission to develop a collection of climate change information and use that information to develop a series of public workshops.

California: The fellow from the University of California, Santa Barbara, and nominated by University of Southern California Sea Grant, was matched with the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission to promote planning for adaptation to climate change for San Francisco Bay and the California coast.

Maryland: The fellow from the Evergreen State University and nominated by Washington Sea Grant, was matched with the Maryland Chesapeake and Coastal Program to support coastal land conservation in Maryland by targeting tools and techniques for sea level rise adaptation and response.

New Jersey: Leigh Wood, from Clemson University and nominated by South Carolina Sea Grant, was matched with the New Jersey Coastal Program to establish a comprehensive coastal resilience index for New Jersey's Delaware Bayshore.

Oregon: Laura Mattison, from Brown University and nominated by Rhode Island Sea Grant, was matched with the Oregon Coastal Management Program to construct a diked lands vulnerability inventory to support strategic planning for the impacts of sea level rise.