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Coastal Management Fellowship

2022-2024 Fellowship Project Summaries

California Coastal Commission: Liz Plascencia, from Yale University and nominated by Connecticut Sea Grant, was matched with the California Coastal Commission to create resources, training materials, and policy guidance critical for the California Coastal Commission’s long-term implementation of its environmental justice and tribal consultation policies.

California Coastal Conservancy: Maravilla Clemens, from Rutgers University and nominated by New Jersey Sea Grant, was matched with the California Coastal Conservancy to improve wetland health and coastal resilience in Southern California by developing a regional wetland monitoring program, funding and managing community-based restoration projects, and coordinating multiple state and federal agencies.

Delaware: Jordana Cutajar, from Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi and nominated by Texas Sea Grant, was matched with the Delaware Coastal Programs to support underserved communities in Delaware by providing resources and tools to adapt to climate change impacts.

Hawaii: Kristi Kimura, from the University of Hawaii at Manoa and nominated by Hawaii Sea Grant, was matched with the Hawaii Coastal Management Program to develop knowledge and resources for Hawaii to have a better understanding of who and where the vulnerable communities are that require the most support to adapt to coastal hazards.

Maryland: Amanda Small, from the University of North Florida and nominated by Florida Sea Grant, was matched with Maryland’s Chesapeake and Coastal Service to work with them and the Fishing and Boating Services unit to advance work on climate adaptation priorities related to fisheries management and natural resources-based economies.

Massachusetts: Lexie Neffinger, from Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi and nominated by Texas Sea Grant, was matched with the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management to engage with three environmental justice communities in Massachusetts to increase awareness of shoreline restoration opportunities and support the application of at least one project for State Coastal Resilience Grant Program funding.

New Hampshire: Lucy Perkins, from Tufts University and nominated by Woods Hole Sea Grant, was matched with the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services Coastal Program to build the capacity of the New Hampshire Coastal Adaptation Workgroup to advance emerging priorities, empower local climate adaptation champions and practitioners, and enhance engagement opportunities.

New York: Elizabeth Mogus Garcia, from the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley and nominated by Texas Sea Grant, was matched with the New York State Coastal Management Program to identify tangible approaches that are good examples of strategic managed retreat, and develop policies and implementation approaches that achieve a balance between coastal processes and climate change adaptation, with particular attention to socioeconomic sustainability and concerns at the municipal level.

Oregon: Carl Hendrickson, from San Francisco State University and nominated by California Sea Grant, was matched with the Oregon Coastal Management Program to provide capacity to advance sea level rise adaptation planning at the local level using existing and emerging data and resources on the northern Oregon coast.